Thursday, December 25, 2008


That was the time that our eldest decided to quietly creep into our room, come to MY side of the bed and gently tap me on the shoulder trying to wake me from a dead sleep to see if we could open Christmas presents. He just as quietly retreated back to his room after being shut down. At 4ish I heard our door squeak again and rolled over to greet his sweet face and remind him that it was not time yet. Six o'clock didn't get by either with out him trying to rouse us from our slumber. Finally at 7:30am he joined forces with his brother and sister and succeeded in getting us out of bed and to the tree. Boxes and wrapping paper everywhere it was over in a flash and everyone was happy (except dad who has the privilege of "some assembly required").

After our lazy morning we headed over to my parents house to celebrate the day with them, my sisters family and my grandparents who were rescued earlier this week from the snow thankfully by Jess. We filled ourselves with our traditional fondue, twice baked potatoes and jello salad. Later we topped it off with Jenelle's homemade pumpkin cheesecake. YUMMY! Due to the severe heat wave, that is my mother's house, the little kids and big kids quickly opted to head outside and take full advantage of the four-wheeler and snow.

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