Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day weekend fun

What do you do when it's Memorial Day weekend and it's pouring down rain? You go bowling! (Great Grandma Murray would be so proud of us) And that is truly how Aric helped his sister get the ball rolling. Thankfully no one else had our great idea and we had the whole bowling alley to ourselves.

Thank goodness for nice weather! The church group was able to get together again for a wonderful ride up to Skamania Lodge to have lunch. There were about 30 bikes total and about 40 riders. The 99 degree weather on the way home though, was not so much fun as we would drive by and I would see all those nice people in their cars with their windows rolled up and hair blowing in their air-conditioners.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Die Hard Fans

We are finally half way through baseball season and surprisingly this was our first rain out game. I thought I would post this to show the dedication of our family who sits two rows deep to come see our Cader play his t-ball game. Avery however, only made it about 5 mintues until she fell fast asleep in grandma Bergers lap.

The tooth is out!

Cade came home the other day with his front tooth literally hanging by a root and he wouldn't let anyone come near it. He made it the whole day wiggling and turning it to no avail and then finally an hour into bedtime the boys came running out of their room with tooth in hand. It turns out that after Aric reminded him that the tooth fairy would leave money Cade let his big brother pull it out for him.

Play Gym

For years grandma Puller has taken the kiddo's to the play gym every Tuesday. Sunburst gymnastics has opened up their warehouse to preschool children and let me tell you the kids love it! They spend the whole hour running non stop from one thing to another.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

From a Harley to a............WHAT????

Don't panic! We didn't trade in the Harley. My parents picked up this prize possession for the little boys not the big one. :-) Aric and Cade have been begging for one ever since the neighbor girl got hers.
They were a little shaky for the first 2 minutes and now they are thinking about bringing over the bike ramp for a jump......AAAAHHHH!!!!
The race is on! (not really) I'm pretty sure she can beat them. :-)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Take your kid to work day

Last week was take your kid to work day. Aric was able to go with his Aunt Na and received the grand tour of Veris Industries, built things, and was treated to a gift card to Border's book store. Cade went to work with his dad and was filled up with every kind of sugary treat you can think of by all of his co-workers. He was able to sit in on some conference calls and left a very impressive drawing of Spiderman climbing a skyscraper on his dry erase board. Unfortunately they forgot the camera so no pics of Cade's day.

They're climbing the walls!!

Climbing the walls is the latest and greatest thing at our house. I guess you can tell that is has been raining a little too much around home. Thankfully that's as far as they have been able to go or else I would be climbing the walls.


Baseball has begun and both the boys are playing this year. Aric has moved up to transitional and loves the games A LOT more than the practices. He is the official score keeper when we aren't supposed to be keeping score. :-) Cade is in his second year of t-ball and has become quite the hitter. Avery is still just the number one cheerleader for both.