Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tryon Creek State Park

After a full morning of football photos and practice scrimmages the kids were tired, hot and cranky. Once they were fed we loaded them up and decided to head to Tryon Creek. It's a great place that's not too far and filled with tons of hiking trails. I would love to say that we walked through but with the boys, including Jess, we pretty much run the whole way. And yes, Cade is in a stage where he has an aversion to having his picture taken. :-)

Friday, August 22, 2008

We'll miss you Bella...

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We've experienced a traumatic loss in our family. We wanted to share this emotional time with you so you could help us mourn. Please be sure to watch until the end of the show as our children offer a prayer for Bella.

Seaside Beach

Next up in August was a family trip to Seaside beach with the Bergers. Grandma B. and I loaded up the kids early Friday and headed to the coast with the Great Grandparents in tow. Apparently I drive way to slow for the people in their 70's but we all made it safely. :-) The rest of the group rode in on motorcycles later that afternoon. We all stayed at an adorable little beach house that was in walking distance to the shore and to all the fun in town. We spent time collecting shells and playing bocci and then when the showers came we headed for the bumper cars and Deal or No Deal. The kids LOVED it all and I even got an elephant ear!

Cade turns 7

We made it through another year and our cutie pie turned 7!!! We had our family party on his birthday August 6th with cake and ice cream and a surprise family trip to the movies. If you know Cade you know he LOVES Batman. So after presents we all loaded up and went to see the Dark Knight. I know what you are probably thinking ( I can't believe you took your kids to see that movie) and you are right it is completely disturbing! Aric spent the whole movie on grandma's lap and I was never so thankful that Avery fell asleep. Cade on the other hand LOVED everything about it which explains a lot about Cade. :-)

The Wolsky B & B

This has become one our favorite B & B's ever! Maybe it's because it's actually our friends home and not open to the public :-) On July 31st we packed our small, completely overloaded luggage bag on the motorcycle and took off to Bend with our friends Mark and Kalli. We spent four days riding around to Crater Lake, Cascade Lakes, Sisters but always made it back to the B & B to relax. It was an awesome time and we can't wait to go again!