Thursday, November 12, 2009

A ♥ For The Homeless

Awhile back I picked up Avery after school and headed to our bank. I had packed a lunch for her because I thought she would be hungry and she proceeded to eat and chat my ear off. We came to a stop at one of the lights and there was a homeless man standing there with his sign. She immediately started asking questions about him and reminding me of her Uncle Ken who was once homeless. Then she asked if she could give him her sandwich. At that moment I said no because I truly thought she was trying to get out of eating it herself. Boy was I wrong! She constantly reminds me about the homeless guy who was hungry and I wouldn't let her feed him, and if it was Uncle Ken would I let her feed him and so on and so on. Needless to say, I have felt guilty about it ever since.
To ease my conscience, on our trip to Salem I knew there would be a homeless man on the Market Street exit and told Avery to get ready. She knew exactly what I was talking about and had her muffin ready. We came to a stop and she had her window rolled down. The man walked over quickly and Avery asked if he would like to have her muffin. He said thank you and immediately started eating it. She was beaming and so proud that he was eating it! My heart melted at that moment thinking what a wonderful selfless heart she has. Since that day she now carries 2 lunch bags in the car that are ready to be handed out to the next person that needs it. On those bags she has attached a note with a verse that she knew by heart.
Genisis 1:31 God looked at everything he had made and it was very good.
In memory of Ken Bergers


The Sold's said...

that made me cry!!! incredible!!!!

amy said...

gave me chills...what a sweet little girl!

JSGM said...

With happy tears in my eyes I sit here thinking...we sometimes wonder why things happen...this is a true answer...Uncle Ken sure touched Avery's life and this has created an angel on Earth.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Great story. I will now start carrying food with me. I especially like the attached verse

Diane said...

What a wonderful blog post and a great reminder for all of us. Bless Avery's unselfish, loving and sweet little heart. :)