I bet you didn't believe it could happen but it did. Dinner is ruined again and Papa Murphy comes to the rescue! I am SO glad I have them on speed dial! After my husband took a two hour trip in the snow to pick me up from work today we stopped by the store to pick up a quick and easy lasagna dinner. We made it home and I started preheating the oven only to discover that this quick dinner takes TWO hours to cook when it's frozen. Woops! That was definitely not the easy answer. I dialed up our favorite and cheap stand-by and Jess is out the door to pick it up. Soon after he left I started smelling smoke. I didn't think much of it as I cooked Carmel corn the night before and thought a few kernels must have dropped on the bottom of the oven. No worries. Then I started seeing smoke coming out of the oven door and the air vent. Not to panic I quickly opened the door to find billowing smoke pouring out everywhere. I then found the pan to the Carmel corn with small flames all around it still sitting in the oven. I wish this was a scratch and sniff because my pizza just isn't tasting the same and my quick and easy dinner has now cost me around $30. We should have just gone out in the first place.
and what happend to the pizza...you are too funny...i share and feel your pain girl.
too funny, thanks for the giggle.
So, did your pizza taste like carmel corn?
In all my years of baking Papa Murphy's pizzas I have never seen one turn out like that?!?! Ha ha ha! XOXO
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