Don't let the smiling faces fool you. Our tree hunt wasn't always filled with oh so much merry or joy. It pretty much started off with a melt down on the car ride there (the child's name will be omitted to protect their privacy). That issue was solved by the time we got there however, and for a short while things were going great. We got our saw and tarp and headed off into the trees. The boys had their annual chase/hide-and-go-seek game with dad. Avery and I wondered aimlessly through 100's of trees. It wasn't until it came down to which tree we were going to pick did the arguing start. This one is too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, why don't you ever pick the tree I like?, the top is not right and so on... After all of that a tree is somehow agreed upon and the boys get to work sawing it down. This is their first year working together to try and cut it down and by no surprise to me it didn't go very well. They started off great but attitudes came quick and then the tears followed. Jess and I stood by giggling to ourselves thinking WOW THIS IS FUN! After what seemed like a lifetime the tree fell over and the three of them carried it to the car. Amazingly the tears dried up at the mention of free candy canes and all was right in the world again. Somehow I think we will definitely remember these tree hunts.
Hey Jodi,
great to see you blogging again. We used to get our Christmas tree from the same farm. :) It was not all fun for us either. Usually it was raining so the kids were knee deep in mud and wet. They could not agree on a tree and then........the mud made Randy mad, he did not want mud in his new truck. So, the next year we headed to Sears and bought a fake tree. I miss the real tree but not the arguing or mud. :) We saved a bundle too. Now, post pictures of it decorated.
flipping hilarious!!! i am seriously laughing so hard i am crying. i love how you are laughing and trying to hold it back. priceless video! merry xmas bergers!
I am laughing so hard I can't even think of what to say...so funny...so sad...so classic!
Merry Christmas - Miss you guys
Oh, the memories!
Okay..........I know I shouldn't be laughing right now after watching the tree video, I mean your sweet little angle is crying, but I am I am laughing. Maybe the laughter comes from listening to whom ever is videotaping laughing under their breath as they videotape. Too funny, what great memories you are making......thanks for sharing.
Hee, hee ... too funny! We bought our tree already cut this year ... man was it expensive though! Oh well ... I love the fresh tree smell! Merry Christmas!!
Having video of that will prove useful at high school graduation...poor kiddo!
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