Ever cooked it? That's the beauty of ham it's precooked! At least that's what I thought when I decided to pull out a ham for dinner last night. It's amazing in itself that I actually thought ahead as far as what's for dinner but none the less I still managed to screw it up. We all know I'm no Betty Crocker when it comes to making meals but I did pull out the old cook book to see how exactly I'm supposed to heat up this ham. I easily flipped to the meat section and found the roasting guide, set the oven temp, turned on the timer and waited eagerly for the delicious smell of cooking ham. My first clue that something had gone terribly wrong should have been that there was no delicious smell of ham when the timer beeped. Second clue was that my ham was only slightly warm to the touch after an hour and half in the oven. What happened you asked? Did I throw a fit and rant and rave about hating to cook? Did I threaten that we needed to go out to dinner because I screwed up again? Yes, to all of the above. I'm sure you are wondering what went wrong and thankfully I'm able to laugh at myself and will explain. My first error was that dreaded cookbook. I wasn't aware that the "internal temp" of the ham should be 140 degrees instead of the oven. Second error is that they have the nerve to wrap that stupid ham in plastic which does not cook very well in an oven. Third error is that I thought this was going to be an easy dinner. After my minor melt down and the fact that my sweet husband was dressed and ready to go out if needed WE managed to salvage my ham by quickly slicing it up and throwing it on the BBQ for all to enjoy.
She is so cute when she throws her little tantrums!!!
Way to go Jess for thinking to throw on the old BBQ! So let me get this right, you set the oven on only 140 degrees to cook meat and then you left plastic wrap all over the meat while it cooked? Man.....gotta love you!
oh my gosh, we could be cooking sisters. i love it and can say i have dont similar things. i hate cooking and really think it should be against the law. and DONT get me started on baking....
Hee, hee .... I promise I am not laughing AT you, I am just laughing at the situation! Gotta give you credit for trying!! :o)
Oh Jodie! I love you!!!! I needed a good laugh tonight and you win the award for making a PMSing stir crazy mama laught out loud! :) I am laughing even harder because I have had a pork roast in the oven at 250 since 10:00 this morning! If it makes you feel any better...being financially challenged has increased my abilities in the kitchen. It can be done, but I still HATE every second of it!
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