He has said no for a very long time but I finally see a crack in his armor. While on a date the other day the topic of wanting a dog came up........ again. I began my argument this time by expressing that we should get a dog now while I am still at home with the kids and can spend time with it. At first I thought it was pointless but then out of the blue Jess says, " Find a black pug puppy for $200 and we can talk." I couldn't believe my ears! Of course I only heard the first part of that sentence and so my search for a pug began! It hasn't been that easy though, and not because there is a lack of pugs for sale on the web because there are PLENTY. I just have to find the right price. Jess actually came across some that are a year old, litter boxed trained and have all their shots (I might have to follow up on those.) I think there names were Samson or Molly or Uther I can't remember, they are all running together in my mind. I quickly got excited and felt as though we would have a puppy soon until Jess reminded me of the last part of that sentence. The part that said, "then we'll talk." I hate that part. I'm going to be working on my "sweet talk" soon so pray that his armor will crack. P.S. our kids know nothing about this dog search as they would not be able to contain themselves and would be devastated if dad said NO......again.
One word for you...........Sex, lots and lots of sex. LOL!!
You'll get any puppy you want.:)
Our little Cooper's Mom is a pug, great dogs. Although I can't believe after reading my blog about having a puppy and how hard it is...........like having a newborn again, then a toddler all in the same week, you'd still want to get one. Crazy!! LOL
I do love my Cooper though and things are good now.
uh oh!!!! i can't wait to see the day that you have a doggy in your clean or should i say spotless house!!!
Oh the puppy days ... they sure are cute, but I am not a fan of the potty training! Lots of luck ... I like Diane's advice! Go with sex, girl! Ha, ha!!
If your house is spotless and you like it that way........don't get a dog! My floors will never bee the same. Beside the potty training, which did not last long, there is dog hair EVERYWHERE!! I can't stand it!!! It not only sticks to everything, that darn stuff fly's through the air..yuck!
Did I mention that I love Cooper? LOL!
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