Yep! Those are three pins you're looking at in Avery's elbow. The unfortunate fall from the monkey bars happened around 7:30pm on Monday night and she was in surgery by

11:30pm. My little monkey had just learned how to cross the lower monkey bars a few weeks ago and on this particular night she was determined to go for the big ones. Sadly she didn't make it and fell breaking and displacing both bones right above the left elbow. She is a trooper though and barely even cried, just went to sleep for most of it all. Right now she has a cast from her shoulder to her fingers until her swelling goes down and then gets the new cast this Monday for 3-4 more weeks. If you thought this was going to slow her down.... you're wrong.

She is still crazy as ever but maybe a little more cautious for awhile.....we hope.
She sure has been a trooper. Glad she is doing good and good to see her at preschool today. XO, Sherri
that almost looks fake. wow!!!!
OH MY GOSH!!! How is mom and dad doing? What a little trooper. Did she get any ice cream out of the deal or anything?
You have no idea what she has received!! She even conned my sister into going to the store for suckers because quote, "she has a broken arm."
Oh my goodness, poor little thing. I hope Avery heals in Gods Speed.
** hey Avery..........milk it sweetie, milk it.**
oh my gosh!!!!! that is sad!!!!! I can't even imagine how you reacted!!!! I am glad she will be okay!
where are pics of her in her little cast?
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