I often have parenting days that are let's say......less than stellar. These are the times that I question why God let me even be a parent let alone three times. It's in these moments that I am sure my children will grow up warped, on medication or in therapy. Then God gives me a reprieve and I get to read something like this......
My Mom
Funny (sometimes)
Hard Worker
Good Cooker
What I NoticeMy mom cooks very well, just ike me. She always says that I'm better than her but I say that we are just the same.
What I ThinkThis makes me think of how me and her have a bunch of connections like cooking, baking and hair! I love my mom because she works hard every day for me, my brother and sister.
My Mom
Whenever I start cooking I think of my mom. My mom loves to cook just like me. I've learned everything from her, just like when she learned everything from her mom (my grandma). This makes me think of how great of a team me and my mom can be at cooking.
Maybe, just maybe, we could beat the best chef...HA!!! Just kidding around, but I bet we'd be a pretty good team.
I love my mom and hope we can be together forever cooking, baking or you name it. This also makes me think of how busy I and her are and maybe take a day to chill out and hang out together to get a closer connection.
By: Aric Bergers