I am frustrated that everything keeps breaking at our house!
I wish I had a bigger house. I love my house but it's a little squishy at times.
I have an addiction to Big Hunks (candy). Kevin bought me my own box at Cash & Carry in July for my birthday and I now only have 3 left!
I wish i had a crystal ball to look into the future to see how we turn out.
I hate having to tip waitresses, hair dressers, barista's.....This is a BIG pet peeve of mine and Jess and I go round and round about it every time!
I miss the simplicity of being a kid.
I fear death. Not exactly dieing because I believe in Jesus and know that I will be in a far better place but I fear how I'm going to die.....old age, disease, car accident....etc....
I hear the crackling of a fire as I'm sitting on the deck with my hubby on a beautiful quiet night.
I smell like a campfire, which for some reason I love.
I am realizing I am more of a control freak than I thought.
I crave salt. I guess that means PMS is on it's way.
I search for balance in my home, family, work etc....
I wonder if i am being the best mom that I can be at all times.
I want to be a size 6 desperately! But know it's not reality.
I regret not going to college even though I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
I love wearing brand new clothes not even washed yet.
I ache when one of my kids have been hurt and I can't fix it.
I am not the best cook. I think we all realize this except for the neighbor boy who thinks my noodles with butter are AWESOME!
I believe in God. I talk to him daily and find peace and comfort through him.
I dance....well you know..... I used to dance as a Cavalette but not anymore.
I sing terribly! Even my kids ask me to stop singing in the car.
I cry at any sad story, good books, when I'm PMS'ing, or when I let my husband down or as he says for "stupid reasons".
I fight with my second child because he is so much like me and my husband we don't know how to parent him.
I win sometimes at Bi-Mart on Tuesdays when they have their give-aways. I've won a bag of licorice and a belt sander.
I lose loaves of bread. Yes, it's true. I just couldn't remember where I put it.
I never say can't. It's a bad word in our house because you should always at least try.
I always fear large crowds of people when I have my kids with me. It is the worst!
I confuse my husband on a daily basis.
I listen to 102.7.....I took to heart "garbage in...garbage out", so this is what I listen too. That and I didn't think it was right for my 6 year old to be singing "Riding dirty"!
I can bake a great apple pie......from scratch!
I am scared of small spaces.
I need quiet time, everyday
I am happy that the kids are back in school.
I imagine what our future will be like when the kids are grown and we have no one but ourselves.
I tag everyone. That's right
Friday, September 18, 2009
Rick the Wooly Bear Caterpiller
Cade came home from school yesterday with the biggest smile on his face, which is VERY unusual for him. All this excitement came from his new pet! Tucked away in a pocket of his backpack was Rick, a wooly bear caterpiller. Now I know he is a wooly bear because Cade and I spent who knows how long looking him up on google. We learned how to feed him, and give him a proper house. He is truly excited about him and stands around watching him and caring for him. He even put him in the car so I could take him to work with me and make sure he was ok. Sadly, I don't think Rick will be able to turn into that Tiger Moth he was destin to be since we don't have his originial food plant (who knew that was so important!) I'm thinking guinea pig should be our next pet, both physically and literally. ♥

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Miss Ave's turns 6
I can hardly believe it was six years ago that I was locked in my bathroom balling my eyes out looking at the clear blue easy stick read two lines(pregnant). Aric (3.5), Cade (1.5) were pounding on the door calling for daddy saying "mommy is freaking out again.....come home!" So sad but true. It took me a long time to adjust to the idea of 3 kids. Pre-marriage I had always wanted 3 but had agreed and compromised to two and my mind was set that I was done being pregnant and I would always be a mom of all boys. I can honestly say now that thankfully God had other plans. Our family has been blessed by Miss Avery who each day makes us laugh, reminds us that life is not all about football and bodily functions, can turn any room upside down in the matter of minutes, loves all animals even though they may be only a fish or stuffed dog and would rather carry around a teenage mutant ninja turtle than any cabbage patch doll. Happy Birthday pretty girl.....our life would not be the same without you!

Da.....Da.......Da Dum...
It took some time and A LOT of patience but Kevin and Vicki Ann are officially engaged!! To set the scene we all enjoyed the Huskers opening game win at the watch party of over 400 people in attendance. After the game we were headed to the Bergers' where unbeknownst to Vic, Kevin's parents and brother joined us. I'm not sure how she didn't catch on to why we were all in one place at the same time but she didn't. After a few moments of all of us chatting Kevin nervously grabbed Vic's hands and started saying some beautiful words that I can't remember and ended in "Will you marry me?" Let the wedding planning begin or should I say continue???

Friday, September 11, 2009
It's All About Riding The Bus

Avery's first "official" real day of school was Thursday, September 10th. This was a very special day since it was her birthday and she turned 6 years old. It went a lot better than the melt-down day on the previous post which was just an orientation day. All she wanted to do was ride the bus with the big kids so of course I let her ride the bus. Now I know some of you mommies are gasping at the thought of letting a kindy ride the bus but I really don't care. She loved it! Plus it helps that her brothers are on there and all of her neighbor friends too. I would post the "real" picture of her on the bus but I forgot my camera that day so we had to re-enact the moment the next day. ♥
First Day of School
Breakfast Woes

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